You see, here's my problem. I get up at 6:30 am and get on my stationary bike by 6:45. Then I pedal for 50 minutes while drinking my break

When I finish exercising, I dash upstairs to shower, get the youngest two boys off to the bus stop and return home by 8:30. And that's when my stomach rumbles as if it's forgotten that it's already been served a 240 calorie breakfast shake just 2 hours prior. Obviously, it thinks it is time for breakfast round two.
I've tried various ideas for a 'morning snack' and end up feeling dissatisfied and HUNGRY until I finally feel it's an appropriate time to eat lunch.
So today, I decided 'lunch' should be at 8:30 am and heated up two leftover chicken legs. De-lish! And my tummy is much more satisfied.
So, do you think 8:30 am is too early to eat chicken?
8 is too early. 8:30? You're fine!