Friday, April 13, 2012

Goals Met...Time to Play!

I finished my monthly goals today before noon. That's eight hours before the deadline! (For those of you wondering, my writing month runs from one GRRWG meeting to the next, which is always the 2nd Saturday of the month.)

This month I had to finish The Billionaire's Pilot, so I could get ready to pitch it at Chicago North Spring Fling on Saturday, April 28, to Megan Long from Harlequin. Finishing the story wasn't the problem. It was making sure I hit the 50K word minimum that was hanging me up for the past two weeks. I tend to write short and to the point the first time through my manuscripts. For this one, it meant I needed to go back and add another 7K of internal thoughts, visceral reactions, descriptions and dialogue.

Just when I thought I was finished, I converted the Scrivener file into Microsoft Word, and I "lost" over 100 words. I have no idea what words Scrivener counts differently from Word, but I had to spend another hour looking for "empty" places that could use some more fleshing out.

Now, it's done and I can relax. And bake Apple Bread! Because tonight, the hubby and I are going to our friends' house for dinner and our monthly game of Euchre.

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