My mother would be sure to tell you that I've always been this way. I seem to only operate in two modes: super busy, crazy frantic pace and laid-back, super relaxed pace. I don't seem to have a happy medium pace.
I'm trying to find balance. As a Libra, achieving balance is a lifelong goal. But as a byproduct of my childhood, I tend to swing wildly from one extreme to the other, in all areas of my life.
That's why I picked a really steady man for my hubby. At least I've got one constant, level presence to provide a good influence. Thanks, honey! I love you! Now, would you please do that next load of laundry for me while I try to write this next book? ;-)
I just read this. You are so right. That is exactly what I would say to you!:)
I just read this. You are so right. That is exactly what I would say to you!:)